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With the immediacy of Internet searches and ease of handheld devices, the archaic custom of memorizing Scripture may not seem necessary, but bestselling author Robert J. Morgan makes an airtight...
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"Hallelujah," "shalom," "amen." These Hebrew words have crept into common English usage. But what nuances are lost in translation? Schlimm's accessible resource reveals the significance of names such as "Adam"...
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What does the Jewishness of Jesus mean and why is it important? Serving as a comprehensive yet concise primer on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, this handbook addresses...
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What if I told you there is a reason for the increased terrorism, anti-Semitism, and anti-God climate? What if there was a connection between these events and cultural changes? How...
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By W. Phillip Keller Travel to the green pastures and still waters of Psalm 23--it will mean so much more once you've read this inspirational classic from a real-life shepherd! Drawing...
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From Author and speaker Lisa Bevere: What is truth? This has become the defining question of our time. But while everyone has an opinion, truth, it seems, is getting harder and...
$ 5.00 $ 6.00
Joseph of Nazareth was a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife and raised her son - even when it appeared that she...
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Insights into the ancient practice of blessing are offered clearly and practically. With examples from the Bible and Jewish tradition, this book teaches the formula used by men and women...
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Executive director of Jews for Jesus, Brickner helps messianic believers, curious Gentiles---and Jews---more fully appreciate the Old Testament Shavuot and its relationship to Christ. His exploration of New Testament references...
$ 5.00 $ 14.00
This book is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentile curious about the connection between the ancient fall festival of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ, and for missionaries evangelizing...
$ 5.00 $ 14.00
This best-selling title from the ministry of Jews for Jesus is now revised with an updated appendix. It is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentiles curious about the connection...
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What does the Sabbath mean to you? Christ in the Sabbath will take you on a "Sabbath tour" of the Bible. You'll explore the themes of Shabbat (Hebrew for Sabbath) and rest...
$ 5.00 $ 25.00
Is Jesus the most important human being who ever lived or a mythical character? Are the biblical gospels legends or history? Decide for yourself as Titus Kennedy, a professional field...
$ 5.00 $ 14.00
Walking in Blessing in a Time of Famine By Dr. David Jones Do you feel like you’re in a famine? Are you hungry for more in your life but it...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Bold, compelling apologetics---presented in non-technical terms! Encouraging you to develop a real and credible faith, Broocks's overview of basic Christian truths in down-to-earth language will help you speak confidently about...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Many of us have giants in our lives--hang-ups and habits, fears and insecurities that keep us from reaching our full potential. Frozen, we lose sight of the promise God has...
$ 5.00 $ 18.00
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you.’” Psalm 122:6 But How Do We Know What To Pray For? Three thousand years ago, King David, instructed...
$ 5.00 $ 28.00
New York Times bestselling author Jay Sekulow presents a political and historical rationale for the existence of Israel as a sovereign nation and Jerusalem as its capital.The State of Israel...
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If there's anything you want to know about life in first-century Jerusalem, you'll find it in Joachim Jeremias's classic study, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. Delving into conditions during New...
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In the first century of the Common Era, tens of thousands of Jewish people followed Yeshua (Jesus), believing him to be the promised Messiah of Israel. They didn't renounce their...
$ 5.00 $ 20.00
In her quest to discover the true nature of the question, ?Who is a Jew?? author Paula Clayman emphatically unravels many exciting historical facets while tracing biblical lineages and exposing...
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Most people do not understand how the Bible fits together—even people of faith. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance in that they are content to embrace merely the New...
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"Paul called the leaders of the Jews together . . . many came to him at his lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God,...
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Every believer should read this shocking account of the Church’s history. The pages of church history are marked by countless horrors committed against the Jewish people. From the first persecutions of the...
$ 5.00 $ 11.00
Contemplate the power in these words anytime, anywhere! Psalms-Tehillim offers uplifting words of praise and gratitude, expressing the majesty of God, along with a sense of God’s nature as a...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
A book the whole Church needs to read! A challenge to conventional Christian ideas! Clear thinking about neglected questions such as: - What central truth, ignored for 1800 years, must be...
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FOR TWO MILLENNIA, the people of God’s heart have been divided: His chosen people—the Jews—on one side, and the Gentile believers in Christ on the other. What might be possible...
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From Line of Fire radio host Brown comes a prescription for a moral and cultural renaissance in America! Expressing alarm over symptoms including the national debt, the sexualization of pop culture, and...
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America declared her right to independence based on "the laws of nature and nature's God." Her Founding Fathers were overwhelmingly God-fearing Christian men who built our government and society on...
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Dr. Juster describes the restoration movements in Church history and how they are connected to Israel and the Jewish people; as this is the plan of God and finds its...
$ 5.00 $ 13.00
"What is the greatest commandment?" Yeshua was asked. His reply:Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one, and you are to love Adonai your God with all...
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The Jewish Jesus helps the reader reconnect with Jesus, who he is; as a man, as a Jew, his ministry with his early disciples, and how the church lost its...
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Taking Bible passages about John the Baptist verse by verse, and making observationsconcerning what he says, what the text meant when first written, and how it applies today, you are...
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In The Rest of God, author Mark Buchanan says that the Sabbath is essential to our full humanity and faith. God set forth a rhythm of work and rest that if...
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Restoration—what does it mean and is it necessary? Over time, thoughts, ideas, and perceptions change. Restoration is needed when these thoughts and ideas need to return to their original state...
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The Bible is filled with temple imagery and symbols that were likely understood by first century Christians. Sadly, they are foreign to us. We cannot evaluate these symbols from our...
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Of all the stories in the Bible, Noah and the flood is the best-known. It evokes memories of Sunday school children plastering felt figures on flannel boards or coloring cartoon...
$ 5.00 $ 19.00
The Garden in Eden was filled with fruit-producing trees, sprouting plants and grasses, and gently flowing rivers. Adam, God’s chosen king/priest, was called to cultivate the garden’s fertile soil, to...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Did Yeshua observe the Law? Did Paul teach his congregations to abandon the Torah? Was the devout Jew, Peter, persuaded that the Commandments were cancelled? The answers you'll find in...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
Did you know that you have a huge inheritance and that you serve a King who exposes His plans, purposes, power, and deepest secrets to you as a citizen in His Kingdom?...
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Questions have power: Unanswered questions linger. Within the church today, there exists a deepening chasm of unanswered questions. Ignoring these questions can lead to individual skepticism and wholesale disbelief. In Unanswered,...
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Is there any more enigmatic book of the Bible than Revelation? Controversy concerning its meaning has surrounded it back to the first century. Today, the arguments continue. Yet, Dan Juster...
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The Bible has long been dismissed as a book of myths, legends, fairy tales, and propaganda. Yet when we examine the archaeological evidence, its accuracy comes to light. In Unearthing the...
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Jesus was steeped in the Torah and Middle Eastern culture; this Hebrew heritage influenced all he said, did, and thought. Lois Tverberg enables us to catch sight of and more...
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For a lot of people, the biggest question about God is not, surprisingly enough, whether He exists. Instead, it is about whether God is truly good. Dinesh D’Souza, in his...
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From Author and speaker Lisa Bevere:You are a daughter without rival, serving a God without rival, called to a destiny without rival. It's time to step forward into a life...without...