$ 45.00
The Scriptures describe three destinies of the Tribulation Saints: some will die by attempting to use armed resistance, some will be taken captive and die, but another group will ESCAPE,...
$ 18.00
The first set of Scriptures was given by Moses to the children of Israel as they crossed the Jordan into the promised land. It was the Torah, the first five...
$ 36.00
This is a DVD available with a 3 hour round table discussion with Eddie Chumney, Bill and Karen Bishop and Monte Judah Plus a special teaching by Monte Judah on...
$ 18.00
Many brethren have been anticipating the second coming of Messiah Yeshua. Before focusing on the events of His return, we must first answer the fundamental question: “Are we the last...
$ 225.00
Own a hard copy of one of the newest and most popular studies released by Monte Judah. 17 episodes. (17 Video DVD's)
$ 18.00
Join Monte as he speaks to an audience of new Messianic Believers about the Feasts of the LORD. You will learn how the spring holidays reflect to work of redemption...
$ 18.00
Yeshua said in Luke 12:1 "Beware the leaven of the Pharisees." Yeshua was not speaking of bread but was speaking to the doctrines and traditions of men that they had...
$ 48.00 $ 54.00
These programs are a series of topics entitled “Things in the Bible You Never Knew were there” This also includes things you thought were in the Bible that aren't there....
$ 45.00
“Therefore behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when they will no longer say, ‘As the LORD lives, who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of...
$ 27.00
When God spoke the Ten Commandments, He gave us the rules of life. The ten commands have never been surpassed by any lawmaker or nation since; they are only imitated...
$ 225.00 $ 275.00
Own a hard copy of one of the newest and most popular studies released by Monte Judah. 24 episodes. 2 Cases - 24 disks
$ 149.00 $ 349.00
Introducing "The law shall go forth from ZION" Torah DVD Set! This is the SECOND, DVD video edition of the Torah Teaching Series. This NEW edition is made up of...
$ 18.00
Today, the world is divided into Jews and Gentiles and many Gentiles are Christian. The two don't usually mix, except when a Messianic believer shows up. What we all must...
$ 18.00
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” John 8:12. When walking in darkness, you are...
$ 45.00
The Scriptures describe three destinies of the Tribulation Saints: some will die by attempting to use armed resistance, some will be taken captive and die, but another group will ESCAPE,...
$ 45.00
Join Monte Judah as he looks at the first five books of Moses and the multiple levels that one can study the Scripture. These levels of understanding and study are...
$ 35.00 $ 45.00
In this fascinating 4 part series by Monte Judah, you will learn about seven foundational teachings from the Torah (5 books of Moses) that speak prophetically to God's plan of...
$ 225.00
Join Monte Judah through this 21 disc collection as he looks at the visions given to the prophet Ezekiel. Are these past events, present events, or future events unfolding before our...
$ 99.00
Join Monte Judah as he teaches on how the covenants formed in the old testament are renewed throughout the new testament. Learn how they all work together with the prophecies...
$ 99.00
An in-depth study of the book of John from a Hebrew perspective. Stimulating questions will cause you to dig deep into the Torah for answers about the way John wrote...
$ 18.00
Every follower of Torah needs to understand the basic principles of the Law. To keep the commandments of God one must first know what the commandments are. They must be...
$ 35.00 $ 49.00
Learn some of the basic understandings of what it means to be a Messianic believer. (6 Audio CDs)
$ 12.00
Modern day Judaism does not believe that Yeshua of Nazareth was or is the Messiah of Israel. Modern day Judaism does not believe what Moses taught in the Torah nor...
$ 18.00
Join Monte Judah as he visits Hebraic Family Fellowship in OK to deliver this great new teaching. Learn about the customs and traditions associated with the tallit - the Jewish...
$ 18.00
This teaching challenges the viewer—how do you know that you believe in God? What are the evidences of your relationship with the Messiah? Do you have a strong personal relationship...
$ 225.00
An intensive study by Monte Judah. Join Monte as he goes in depth into each chapter of the book of the prophet Jeremiah through this 21 episode series.
$ 250.00
All 20 DVD Teachings from Tabernacles 2023. Featuring: Monte Judah, Eddie Chumney, Dr. Miles Jones, Scott Laird and Mike Hamilton. Full sets include Bonus Midrash
$ 79.00
With the experience of over 30 years of teaching Torah on weekly basis, Monte Judah has now taught the traditional Brit Chadashah portions that come from the prophets of the New Testament....
$ 299.00 $ 425.00
With the experience of 30 years of teaching Torah on weekly basis, Monte Judah has now taught the traditional Haftorah portions that come from the prophets of the Old Testament....
$ 18.00
We will Look at the prophecies of the fulfillment of the Scriptures and how to discern between biblical wisdom and who/what are the Anti-Christs of this world. We will look...
$ 18.00
For over 25 years, Monte Judah has watched, studied, and taught on what prophecies still have to be fulfilled before the return of Messiah will take place. He does this...
$ 145.00
The Book of John has traditionally been a starting point for many believers . It is not the same kind of narrative as the other Gospels. Instead, the Apostle John...
$ 18.00
Various custom, traditions and elements of faith have been used to describe how and why individuals believe they have salvation. Is salvation really that simple? Is it a simple prayer...
$ 18.00
In this teaching, Monte defines the commandment to love your wife in four specific ways. A husband is to prefer her, provide for her, protect her, and be passionate for...
$ 79.00
Volume 1 - Genesis (12 Video DVDs) In 2016, Monte Judah completed his 30th year of teaching Torah on a weekly basis. We have captured those portions in crystal-clear high...
$ 79.00
Volume 2 - Exodus (11 Video DVDs) In 2016, Monte Judah completed his 30th year of teaching Torah on a weekly basis. We have captured those portions in crystal-clear high...
$ 79.00
Volume 5 - Deuteronomy (11 Video DVDs) In 2016, Monte Judah completed his 30th year of teaching Torah on a weekly basis. We have captured those portions in crystal-clear high...
$ 18.00
When Moses was dispatched to the Children of Israel and declared to Pharaoh that God wanted His people set free, things did not work out like Moses thought they should...
$ 79.00
Volume 4 - Numbers (10 Video DVDs) In 2016, Monte Judah completed his 30th year of teaching Torah on a weekly basis. We have captured those portions in crystal-clear high...
$ 100.00 $ 225.00
An intensive study by Monte Judah. Join Monte as he goes in depth into each chapter of the book of the prophet Jeremiah through this 21 episode series. ...
$ 18.00
The value of a gift is determined by the giver. Only they know what a heart and true intent of the gift is. Yeshua taught this to the disciples when...