$ 27.00
Audio Visual Presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over presentation The seven days of creation in Genesis foreshodow 7,000 years of time from Adam and Eve in the Garden...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Antiochus Ephiphanes made a decree that all peoples under his rule should accept Greek Culture and forsake their own customs. After...
$ 27.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Acts 15 is a Torah dispute between Pharisaic believers in Yeshua as the Messiah regarding the role of circumcision for a...
$ 16.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Acts 15 is a Torah dispute between Pharisaic believers in Yeshua as the Messiah regarding the role of circumcision for a...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over The house of Jacob broke the covenant a Mount Sinai by worshiping the golden calf. As a result, they were scattered...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over The house of Jacob broke the covenant a Mount Sinai by worshiping the golden calf. As a result, they were scattered...
$ 27.00
Audio/Visual presentation using power point with Eddie's voice over Yeshua is in covenant with His Father. The relationship of the God of Israel with His people is expressed through covenant. The...
$ 16.00
Audio/Visual presentation using power point with Eddie's voice over Yeshua is in covenant with His Father. The relationship of the God of Israel with His people is expressed through covenant. The...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Yeshua was asked by His disciples, why is it taught by the scribes that Elijah will precede the coming of the...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Yeshua was asked by His disciples, why is it taught by the scribes that Elijah will precede the coming of the...
$ 45.00
Audio/Visual Presentation using power point with Eddie's voice over The people in the Bible worshiped many gods. These various gods are all forms of worship of the kingdom of darkness. ...
$ 24.00
Audio/Visual Presentation using power point with Eddie's voice over The people in the Bible worshiped many gods. These various gods are all forms of worship of the kingdom of darkness. ...
$ 27.00
Audo Visual presentation using power point and Eddie's voice over. Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Sinai. The themes of Shavuot are giving the Torah, the wedding betrothal, the celebration...
Sold Out - $ 16.00
Audo Visual presentation using power point and Eddie's voice over. Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Sinai. The themes of Shavuot are giving the Torah, the wedding betrothal, the celebration...
$ 27.00
Audio Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Tabernacles (Sukkot) represents the completion of our spiritual journey in seeking to do the will of God in our lives...
$ 16.00
Audio Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Tabernacles (Sukkot) represents the completion of our spiritual journey in seeking to do the will of God in our lives...
$ 45.00
Audio Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's Voice over The themes of the Feast of Trumpets are: The season of repentance, The day of Judgement, the day of remembrance,...
$ 24.00
Audio Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's Voice over The themes of the Feast of Trumpets are: The season of repentance, The day of Judgement, the day of remembrance,...
$ 27.00
Audio Visual Presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over The themes of Yom Kippur are the day of atonement, face to face, the Great Day, the fast, the Great...
$ 16.00
Audio Visual Presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over The themes of Yom Kippur are the day of atonement, face to face, the Great Day, the fast, the Great...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over What does the Bible define as food? What is regarded as clean and can we eat anything we want? What about...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over What does the Bible define as food? What is regarded as clean and can we eat anything we want? What about...
$ 32.00
Audio/visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over The main issue that Paul was addressing in the Book of Galatians was Jew or Gentile how do we follow Torah,...
$ 60.00
Audio/visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over The main issue that Paul was addressing in the Book of Galatians was Jew or Gentile how do we follow Torah,...
$ 8.00
Noah (Genesis 6:8), Joseph (Genesis 39:21), Moses (Exodus 33:12-17), and David (Psalm 51:1) were given grace. The nation of Israel was redeemed out of Egypt by grace (Exodus 3:20-21) through...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over How do we understand Biblical time? Does the God of Israel have a prophetic time clock? How is creation a prophecy...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over How do we understand Biblical time? Does the God of Israel have a prophetic time clock? How is creation a prophecy...
$ 18.00
Noah (Genesis 6:8), Joseph (Genesis 39:21), Moses (Exodus 33:12-17), and David (Psalm 51:1) were given grace. The nation of Israel was redeemed out of Egypt by grace (Exodus 3:20-21) through...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Antiochus Ephiphanes made a decree that all peoples under his rule should accept Greek Culture and forsake their own customs. After...
$ 27.00
Audio/Video presentation using power point with Eddie's voice over This teaching will explain how the dividing of the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem in the "day of...
$ 16.00
Audio/Video presentation using power point with Eddie's voice over This teaching will explain how the dividing of the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem in the "day of...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Yeshua was born a Jew, Lived a Jew and Died a Jew. What were the Hebraic customs surrounding His Birth? What...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Yeshua was born a Jew, Lived a Jew and Died a Jew. What were the Hebraic customs surrounding His Birth? What...
$ 24.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Paul's letter to Rome is often quoted to try to prove the doctrine that when Yeshua died, He nailed the law...
$ 45.00
Audio Visual presentation of Eddies teaching of the Hebraic Roots of the Messianic Movement. What are the Hebraic Roots of Christianity? In part, it is the faith that Yeshua taught His...
$ 5.00
What are the Hebraic Roots of Christianity? In part, it is the faith that Yeshua taught His disciples. Most people don't realize that the Christianity that they are taught in...
$ 5.00
What are the Hebraic Roots of Christianity? In part, it is the faith that Yeshua taught His disciples. Most people don't realize that the Christianity that they are taught in...
$ 5.00
What are the Hebraic Roots of Christianity? In part, it is the faith that Yeshua taught His disciples. Most people don't realize that the Christianity that they are taught in...
$ 5.00
What are the Hebraic Roots of Christianity? In part, it is the faith that Yeshua taught His disciples. Most people don't realize that the Christianity that they are taught in...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddies's voice over Most Christians usually identify the Holy Spirit with the New Testament. However, the Holy Spirit has been from the beginning. This...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddies's voice over Most Christians usually identify the Holy Spirit with the New Testament. However, the Holy Spirit has been from the beginning. This...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Do you desire to be the Bride of Yeshua? Who is the Bride of Yeshua? Will all believers in Yeshua as Messiah dwell with...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Do you desire to be the Bride of Yeshua? Who is the Bride of Yeshua? Will all believers in Yeshua as Messiah dwell with Him...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Why study the Biblical Festivals? Should believers in Yeshua celebrate the Festivals? Are they Jewish Festivals? When are they celebrated? What...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over Why study the Biblical Festivals? Should believers in Yeshua celebrate the Festivals? Are they Jewish Festivals? When are they celebrated? What...
$ 16.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over When Rebecca was pregnant with Jacob and Esau, she was told that there would be a spiritual conflict between them. While...
$ 18.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over From a Jewish perspective, The God of Israel is without definition. He is associated with eternal light. This eternal light which...
$ 8.00
Audio/Visual presentation using Power Point with Eddie's voice over From a Jewish perspective, The God of Israel is without definition. He is associated with eternal light. This eternal light which...