The Temple Revealed in Noah's Ark

Of all the stories in the Bible, Noah and the flood is the best-known. It evokes memories of Sunday school children plastering felt figures on flannel boards or coloring cartoon activity pages. So is it just a quaint bedtime story? A major scientific marvel? An allegory? Was there a flood that covered the entire earth? Did a man named Noah build an extremely large boat and fill it with animals? Was the ark designed to be a floating sanctuary? The book takes the reader on a journey that challenges our western theological mindset to discover the answers to some of the Bible’s most perplexing questions about the days of Noah.

The story of Noah is a replay of the creation account. Creation language is infused throughout the Bible and represents a radically different view of human life than the one presented by the world. Creation is synonymous with order and order is synonymous with true liberty, equality, and justice that come from a covenantal relationship with the One True God. The timeless message of Noah building the ark and rescuing his family from the flood is how God promises to bring order into a world filled with chaos.

Paperback, 178 pages