$ 5.00 $ 14.00
This best-selling title from the ministry of Jews for Jesus is now revised with an updated appendix. It is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentiles curious about the connection...
$ 4.00
An assortment of games and puzzles (a little coloring) on the topics of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkkot, and Simchat Torah. Answer page included.
$ 8.00
This latest edition of our Messianic Passover Haggadah has a fresh look with all new images inside and out. This full-color booklet will lead you through the Passover Seder with...
$ 4.00
An assortment of games and puzzles with a Passover theme. Reading required. Answer page included. By David Sokoloff.
$ 4.00
A coloring book about Passover, including a simplified story of Passover as depicted in the coloring pages. By David Sokoloff.
$ 14.00
Is there any more enigmatic book of the Bible than Revelation? Controversy concerning its meaning has surrounded it back to the first century. Today, the arguments continue. Yet, Dan Juster...
$ 15.00
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is an amazingly detailed and inviting God. He set seven specific “appointments” with His people, calling them to meet with Him during the...