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This 18 page booklet lays out an overview of Shavuot and ways for us to celebrate it. Including blessings and what Scripture commands us to do. (Booklet - 18 Pages)
$ 9.99
The feast of Sukkot, more commonly known as the feast of Tabernacles, marks the end of the biblical fall feasts. It’s the most joyous celebration on the Hebrew calendar. As...
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Did you know that God commands us to rejoice and make noise? Indeed, Yom Teruah—also known as the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh HaShanah—is an incredible celebration during which believers...
$ 9.99
Throughout the year there are several days that God declares to be “appointed times” in the Bible (Leviticus 23:2). These are special times that God told us to remember and...
$ 18.00
In ancient times the nation of Israel celebrated special feasts in remembrance of great things God had done in their history. These ancient festivals have significance for your spiritual growth...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
Executive director of Jews for Jesus, Brickner helps messianic believers, curious Gentiles---and Jews---more fully appreciate the Old Testament Shavuot and its relationship to Christ. His exploration of New Testament references...
Sold Out - $ 5.00 $ 14.00
This best-selling title from the ministry of Jews for Jesus is now revised with an updated appendix. It is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentiles curious about the connection...
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On the Hebrew Calendar, the month before the fall feast days is called Elul. In Judaism, this month is traditionally associated with the theme of repentance, or in Hebrew, teshuvah....
$ 16.00
Are the biblical/Jewish customs just for Jews? Or, can Christians also receive blessings by observing them? This book explains how God's appointed customs can be part of anyone's lifestyle, Jew...
$ 14.00
The biblical holy days are not just for Jews. Christians, too, can receive the blessing of these glorious days, the greatest object lessons in the Bible. God gave each day...
$ 4.00
An assortment of games and puzzles (a little coloring) on the topics of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkkot, and Simchat Torah. Answer page included.
$ 16.00
God's redemptive plan is unveiled through the Feasts of Israel. Discover how these appointed times of God are still relevant for our lives today as they illustrate what Messiah has...
$ 14.00
Is there any more enigmatic book of the Bible than Revelation? Controversy concerning its meaning has surrounded it back to the first century. Today, the arguments continue. Yet, Dan Juster...
$ 12.00 $ 14.99
Start cooking delicious dishes with unique flavors! Simply Kosher features exotic food recipes from around the world will expand your menu with new options your guests will love!
$ 10.00
One of the most incredible things about our Almighty God, Creator of the universe, is that He wants to meet with His people. When He gave the Torah to Moses,...
$ 30.00
If you have ever wondered how to celebrate with God, then this book is for you. Valerie Moody invites you to join her on an exciting journey to learn about...
$ 17.00
by Allan Aguirre "The Feasts Unlocked" is a 'How To' for those simply interested in the spiritual significance of the Feasts of God and looking for a practical way to...
$ 10.00
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is an amazingly detailed and inviting God. He set seven specific “appointments” with His people, calling them to meet with Him during the...