$ 10.00
This 18 page booklet lays out an overview of Shavuot and ways for us to celebrate it. Including blessings and what Scripture commands us to do. (Booklet - 18 Pages)
$ 5.00 $ 8.00
With the immediacy of Internet searches and ease of handheld devices, the archaic custom of memorizing Scripture may not seem necessary, but bestselling author Robert J. Morgan makes an airtight...
Sold Out - $ 4.00
Children love Bible stories, especially when they are written in age-appropriate, easy-to-understand language. 365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories, written specifically for ages 3 to 8, has a year's supply of the...
$ 9.99
The feast of Sukkot, more commonly known as the feast of Tabernacles, marks the end of the biblical fall feasts. It’s the most joyous celebration on the Hebrew calendar. As...
$ 9.99
Did you know that God commands us to rejoice and make noise? Indeed, Yom Teruah—also known as the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh HaShanah—is an incredible celebration during which believers...
$ 9.99
Throughout the year there are several days that God declares to be “appointed times” in the Bible (Leviticus 23:2). These are special times that God told us to remember and...
$ 30.00
By G.W. Court Jr. The Owner of the vineyard is coming to gather in His harvest. The Rich Man is returning to His estate. The Landowner is coming to distribute our...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
What if I told you there is a reason for the increased terrorism, anti-Semitism, and anti-God climate? What if there was a connection between these events and cultural changes? How...
$ 5.00 $ 6.00
By W. Phillip Keller Travel to the green pastures and still waters of Psalm 23--it will mean so much more once you've read this inspirational classic from a real-life shepherd! Drawing...
$ 5.00 $ 6.00
Joseph of Nazareth was a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife and raised her son - even when it appeared that she...
$ 25.00
An Atheist, Drug Dealer and a Rabbi is a delightful multi-generational memoir that takes you on the highs and lows of Ira Brawer's roller-coaster journey from the hopeless world of...
$ 18.00 $ 29.99
In The Awe of God, Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. This largely forgotten virtue...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 23.00
Why is there such calendar chaos among Believers? Could more insight into unbiased historical criteria bring restitution rather than division? Are we keeping the Biblical calendar accurately, or could we...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
Insights into the ancient practice of blessing are offered clearly and practically. With examples from the Bible and Jewish tradition, this book teaches the formula used by men and women...
$ 13.00
Translated by R. H. Charles This book provides a definitive translation of one of the most noted apocalyptic works still in existence. Often described as "the lost book" of the...
$ 18.00
Translated by R. H. Charles This book is also knows as "The Little Genesis" -- Purports to be a divine revelation delivered by an angel from God to Moses during...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 14.99
by Liz Rabbah Tell a young child that God is a "rock" without any further explanation and it's hard to know what conclusions he'll draw. Illustrate the idea with an...
$ 18.00
In ancient times the nation of Israel celebrated special feasts in remembrance of great things God had done in their history. These ancient festivals have significance for your spiritual growth...
$ 4.00
Large easy pictures that old and young alike will enjoy. Tells the story of Chanukah with pictures of Candles, Soldiers and Food that we enjoy during the season.
$ 4.00
A great Activity book for your child who can read and do activities. Beautiful pictures telling the story of Chanukah.
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 20.00
This book is the product of a Christian pastor’s examination into some of the centuries-old teachings of the Church. His findings led him to a decision that changed his life....
$ 35.00
follows the Hebrew Bible order of the Tanakh’s books, the order with which Yeshua (Jesus) was familiar makes no separation between “Old” and “New” Testaments clarifies misunderstandings by recognizing the...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 28.99
The Dragon's Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection and the End Days For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn opens up end-time prophecy to reveal the ancient forces at work transforming...
$ 20.00
James' message is one that rocks the Greek Church on its heels. It is not by faith alone that we are saved! If you claim faith but take no action...
$ 15.00
The secret passage to lifelong wellness provides a wealth of information that can help you sidestep the disease statistics of the modern world--information that most people will never discover. Scott...
$ 60.00
The ESV Archaeology Study Bible is a cutting-edge academic resource for those looking to dig deeper into the historical context of the Bible. It features study notes written by field-trained Biblical...
$ 5.00 $ 25.00
Is Jesus the most important human being who ever lived or a mythical character? Are the biblical gospels legends or history? Decide for yourself as Titus Kennedy, a professional field...
$ 5.00 $ 14.00
Walking in Blessing in a Time of Famine By Dr. David Jones Do you feel like you’re in a famine? Are you hungry for more in your life but it...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 16.00
Are the biblical/Jewish customs just for Jews? Or, can Christians also receive blessings by observing them? This book explains how God's appointed customs can be part of anyone's lifestyle, Jew...
$ 14.00
The biblical holy days are not just for Jews. Christians, too, can receive the blessing of these glorious days, the greatest object lessons in the Bible. God gave each day...
$ 22.00
Are we really living in the end times? Could it be that the recent Covid-19 crisis marked "the beginning of the end?" Will that be followed by an imminent (pre-tribulation)...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Bold, compelling apologetics---presented in non-technical terms! Encouraging you to develop a real and credible faith, Broocks's overview of basic Christian truths in down-to-earth language will help you speak confidently about...
$ 35.00
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Many of us have giants in our lives--hang-ups and habits, fears and insecurities that keep us from reaching our full potential. Frozen, we lose sight of the promise God has...
$ 10.00
Dr. Laird shows us how we need to stop and look at the big picture to understand what GMOs are, what they are not, questioning whether they are worth the...
$ 7.00
Most people know that Shabbat - the Sabbath Day - begins on Friday evening at sundown with a special ceremony - lighting candles, eating bread, drinking wine and making blessings....
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 18.00
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you.’” Psalm 122:6 But How Do We Know What To Pray For? Three thousand years ago, King David, instructed...
$ 5.00 $ 28.00
New York Times bestselling author Jay Sekulow presents a political and historical rationale for the existence of Israel as a sovereign nation and Jerusalem as its capital.The State of Israel...
Sold Out - $ 5.00 $ 18.00
If there's anything you want to know about life in first-century Jerusalem, you'll find it in Joachim Jeremias's classic study, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. Delving into conditions during New...
$ 28.00
Josiah Manifesto opens up the stunning mysteries that lie behind the events unfolding before our eyes. These keys unlock the answer, the guide, the manifesto -- so you can stand...
$ 11.00
"Principle after principle is presented, leading us to the truth and the inevitable answer to the question. We must pursue the narrow path towards the gate of God's Kingdom" Quoted...