There are two main types of Bible translations: “word-for-word’’ and “thought-for-thought.’’ A “word-for-word’’ translation attempts to translate each Hebrew or Greek word into a corresponding English word. A “thought-for-thought’’ translation...
With the immediacy of Internet searches and ease of handheld devices, the archaic custom of memorizing Scripture may not seem necessary, but bestselling author Robert J. Morgan makes an airtight...
Are we really living in the end times? Could it be that the recent Covid-19 crisis marked "the beginning of the end?" Will that be followed by an imminent (pre-tribulation)...
This book follows the traditional weekly readings that are held in every synagogue around the world on Sabbath. The book's emphasis is on the portraits and foreshadowing of the Messiah...
Questions have power: Unanswered questions linger. Within the church today, there exists a deepening chasm of unanswered questions. Ignoring these questions can lead to individual skepticism and wholesale disbelief. In Unanswered,...