The Fall Feasts Activity Book (Ages 6-12)

Kids will LOVE learning about the Fall Feasts with The Fall Feasts Activity Book. Packed with fun worksheets, coloring pages, puzzles, crafts, and writing activities to help you teach kids a Biblical faith. Includes the Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), and the Last Great Day. Plus, detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and an answer key for educators.

Here’s what you’ll get with The Fall Feasts Activity Book…

  • Learn the Fall Feasts from a Hebraic perspective
  • Explore how the ancient Israelites honored Yom Teru’ah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot
  • Discover the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, and the role of the High Priest
  • Explore the ancient Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant
  • Research life in the Millennial Reign
  • BONUS: Jonah unit to help you teach students about repentance

This Activity Book can be used to fill a Bible interactive notebook or as standalone activities. Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activity sheets you need, and go! 

What’s Inside?
Day of Trumpets (Yom Teru’ah)
Worksheet: Feasts of Yah
Worksheet: Interview an Israelite
Introduction: Day of Trumpets
Coloring page: Blow the Shofar
Bible word search puzzle: Day of Trumpets
Bible crossword: Day of Trumpets
Bible quiz: Day of Trumpets
Creative writing: Day of Trumpets
Bible activity: Where does a shofar come from?
Worksheet: Day of Trumpets
Worksheet: Yom Teru’ah
Let’s draw: Honoring the Day of Trumpets
Labyrinth: Blow the shofar!
Bible activity: Who said it?
Write your own story: Birth of Yeshua
Bible word scramble: Yom Teru’ah
Bible craft: Make your own shofar
Let’s learn Hebrew: Yom Teru’ah
Worksheet: The Sabbath
Worksheet: Day of Trumpets
Worksheet: The Day That No Man Knows
My Bible Notes worksheet

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
Introduction: Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
Coloring page: The High Priest
Bible quiz: Day of Atonement
Bible word search puzzle: Day of Atonement
Worksheet: Ark of the Covenant
Comprehension worksheet: Repentance
Write your own story of Jonah
Map activity: Nineveh
Bible quiz: Jonah and the big fish
Worksheet: All about Jonah…
Bible word unscramble: Swallowed by a Fish
Worksheet: Jonah
Newspaper worksheet: Day of Atonement
Let’s learn Hebrew: Yom Kippur
Worksheet: Did you know?
Labyrinth: The High Priest
Bible quiz: The High Priest
Coloring page: The High Priest
Worksheet: Levitical priesthood
Comprehension worksheet: Holy of Holies
Bible activity: Who said it?
Worksheet: Yom Kippur
Creative writing: Day of Atonement
My Bible Notes worksheet

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)
Introduction: Tabernacles (Sukkot)
Coloring page: My Sukkah
Worksheets: Twelve tribes of Israel
Worksheet: The number seven
Bible quiz: Sukkot
Bible word search puzzle: Sukkot
Comprehension worksheet: The temple
Worksheet: Solomon dedicates the temple
Coloring page: Sukkot
Worksheet: Pilgrimage feasts
Map activity: Solomon’s temple
Bible activity: The water ceremony
Worksheet: Sukkot
Let’s learn Hebrew: Sukkot
Coloring activity: Camping in the wilderness
Coloring page: Happy Sukkot!
What’s the Word?: Celebration!
Worksheet: Did You Know?
Bible word scramble: Sukkot
Coloring activity: Decorate your own Sukkah
Worksheet: My Sukkot diary
Bible quiz: Test your Sukkot knowledge!
Bible activity: Who said it?

The Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)
Bible quiz: The Millennial Reign
Bible word search puzzle: The Last Great Day
Bible activity: Life in the Millennial Reign
What’s the Word? Yeshua will rule
Map activity: The Millennial temple
Bible quiz: Ezekiel’s Temple
Worksheet: Shemini Atzeret
Bible verse puzzle: The Last Great Day
Worksheet: Judging the 12 tribes of Israel
Worksheet: Coloring activity: I love animals!
Newspaper worksheet: Yeshua now rules
Labyrinth: Feast of Tabernacles
Worksheet: Last Great Day
My Bible Notes worksheet