Weekly Torah Portions - Widescreen-DVD - 2 Exodus

Volume 2 - Exodus (11 Video DVDs)

In 2016, Monte Judah completed his 30th year of teaching Torah on a weekly basis. We have captured those portions in crystal-clear high definition and present the 3rd video edition of the complete Torah teaching set. The teachings in these 5 volumes are meant to be heard weekly in following with the annual Torah cycle. The Torah is living, and you will receive a blessing every Sabbath when the Word of God is taught in your home. This is our best Torah series yet! 

  1. Shemot - "Names"      
  2. Va’era - "And I Appeared"     
  3. Bo - "Enter / Go"     
  4. B’shalach - "When He Let Go"     
  5. Yithro - "Jethro"     
  6. Mishpatim - "Ordinances"     
  7. Terumah - "Offerings"     
  8. Tetsaveh - "You Shall Command"     
  9. Ki Tisa - "When You Elevate"     
  10. VaYakhel - "And He Assembled"
  11. P'kudei - "Accounts of"     

Category: DVDs, Torah

Type: DVD

Vendor: Lion and Lamb Ministries