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With the immediacy of Internet searches and ease of handheld devices, the archaic custom of memorizing Scripture may not seem necessary, but bestselling author Robert J. Morgan makes an airtight...
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Children love Bible stories, especially when they are written in age-appropriate, easy-to-understand language. 365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories, written specifically for ages 3 to 8, has a year's supply of the...
$ 5.00 $ 25.00
What does the Jewishness of Jesus mean and why is it important? Serving as a comprehensive yet concise primer on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, this handbook addresses...
$ 5.00 $ 6.00
By W. Phillip Keller Travel to the green pastures and still waters of Psalm 23--it will mean so much more once you've read this inspirational classic from a real-life shepherd! Drawing...
$ 5.00 $ 16.00
From Author and speaker Lisa Bevere: What is truth? This has become the defining question of our time. But while everyone has an opinion, truth, it seems, is getting harder and...
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Joseph of Nazareth was a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife and raised her son - even when it appeared that she...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 13.00
Translated by R. H. Charles This book provides a definitive translation of one of the most noted apocalyptic works still in existence. Often described as "the lost book" of the...
$ 18.00
Translated by R. H. Charles This book is also knows as "The Little Genesis" -- Purports to be a divine revelation delivered by an angel from God to Moses during...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 18.00
In ancient times the nation of Israel celebrated special feasts in remembrance of great things God had done in their history. These ancient festivals have significance for your spiritual growth...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
Executive director of Jews for Jesus, Brickner helps messianic believers, curious Gentiles---and Jews---more fully appreciate the Old Testament Shavuot and its relationship to Christ. His exploration of New Testament references...
$ 5.00 $ 14.00
This book is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentile curious about the connection between the ancient fall festival of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ, and for missionaries evangelizing...
$ 5.00 $ 14.00
This best-selling title from the ministry of Jews for Jesus is now revised with an updated appendix. It is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentiles curious about the connection...
$ 5.00 $ 15.00
What does the Sabbath mean to you? Christ in the Sabbath will take you on a "Sabbath tour" of the Bible. You'll explore the themes of Shabbat (Hebrew for Sabbath) and rest...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 60.00
The ESV Archaeology Study Bible is a cutting-edge academic resource for those looking to dig deeper into the historical context of the Bible. It features study notes written by field-trained Biblical...
$ 5.00 $ 25.00
Is Jesus the most important human being who ever lived or a mythical character? Are the biblical gospels legends or history? Decide for yourself as Titus Kennedy, a professional field...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 10.00
The king of Persia is searching for a new queen. The Jewish exiles are in need of a defender. Will a beautiful Jewish orphan win the king's heart and save...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Bold, compelling apologetics---presented in non-technical terms! Encouraging you to develop a real and credible faith, Broocks's overview of basic Christian truths in down-to-earth language will help you speak confidently about...
$ 35.00
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Many of us have giants in our lives--hang-ups and habits, fears and insecurities that keep us from reaching our full potential. Frozen, we lose sight of the promise God has...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 18.00
If there's anything you want to know about life in first-century Jerusalem, you'll find it in Joachim Jeremias's classic study, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. Delving into conditions during New...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 16.00
God's redemptive plan is unveiled through the Feasts of Israel. Discover how these appointed times of God are still relevant for our lives today as they illustrate what Messiah has...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 24.00
Most people do not understand how the Bible fits together—even people of faith. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance in that they are content to embrace merely the New...
$ 6.00 $ 14.00
For their fourth album, All Sons & Daughters have drawn inspiration from the stories of heroes of the Christian faith- those who have given their time and lives in service...
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From Line of Fire radio host Brown comes a prescription for a moral and cultural renaissance in America! Expressing alarm over symptoms including the national debt, the sexualization of pop culture, and...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 5.00 $ 13.99
America declared her right to independence based on "the laws of nature and nature's God." Her Founding Fathers were overwhelmingly God-fearing Christian men who built our government and society on...
$ 2.75
Extra special little books - written through a child's eyes and words. Delightfully illustrated, these stories deal with concerns youngsters encounter in their daily lives. Each book points out the...
$ 18.00
A powerful story of courage, faith, and obedience! When Esther becomes King Xerxes's queen, her cousin Mordecai and the despicable Haman engage in a dangerous game of intrigue. It's no...
$ 29.99
For the first time ever, the greatest story ever told is being presented as a multi-season show. Digging deeper into the backstories and context of the people and events of...
$ 25.00
The Illustrated Children's Bible is the perfect picture and storybook for young ones and an ideal first reader your children will treasure. Lead your child into a lifetime love of the...
$ 50.00
The Complete Jewish Study Bible pairs the newly updated text of the best-selling Complete Jewish Bible with detailed notes and comprehensive study material to help both Jewish and Christian readers understand...
$ 5.00 $ 17.00
The Jewish Jesus helps the reader reconnect with Jesus, who he is; as a man, as a Jew, his ministry with his early disciples, and how the church lost its...
$ 30.00
Josephus's writings on ancient Jewish thought, background, and history are now more accessible than ever!This renowned reference book has served scholars, pastors, students, and those interested in the background of...
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Did Yeshua observe the Law? Did Paul teach his congregations to abandon the Torah? Was the devout Jew, Peter, persuaded that the Commandments were cancelled? The answers you'll find in...
$ 5.00 $ 16.00
Questions have power: Unanswered questions linger. Within the church today, there exists a deepening chasm of unanswered questions. Ignoring these questions can lead to individual skepticism and wholesale disbelief. In Unanswered,...
$ 5.00 $ 23.00
The Bible has long been dismissed as a book of myths, legends, fairy tales, and propaganda. Yet when we examine the archaeological evidence, its accuracy comes to light. In Unearthing the...
$ 5.00 $ 16.00
Jesus was steeped in the Torah and Middle Eastern culture; this Hebrew heritage influenced all he said, did, and thought. Lois Tverberg enables us to catch sight of and more...