Torah Portions Book of Numbers "Digital Download"

Monte Judah has taught the Torah on a weekly basis. These portions are now bundled together in digital mp3 format for you to listen to.

  1. Bemidbar - "In the Wilderness"      
  2. Naso - "Elevate"     
  3. Beha'alotcha - "In Your Going Up"    
  4. Shelach L'cha - "Send for Yourself"     
  5. Korach - "Korah"     
  6. Chukat - "Ordinance of"     
  7. Balak - "Balak"
  8. Pinchas - "Phineus"     
  9. Mattot - "Tribes"
  10. Massei - "Stages"

Complete Book of Numbers (10 Digital Mp3 Downloads)